
Inside New London flagship Chanel

 The Grand New Chanel flagship store does not officially open until Wednesday heavily guarded, but we were an exclusive insight into the store, where this morning - and have to share photos. The new store - the largest Chanel store in the world - is at 158-159 New Bond Street, and covers an impressive number of 12,600 square meters.

The three-storey space - that was 15 months in the making - puts "value of the universe of Karl Lagerfeld created" all the houses and ready-to-wear, jewelry and interior beauty. - Spacious yet simple - is the brainchild of New York architect Peter Marino, who worked on the Chanel boutiques around the world.

A fantastic sculpture of the strands of pearls legendary Coco Chanel, Jean-Michel Othniel and completely blown Murano glass inspired, is the heart of the storage space - and seems to be suspended from the ceiling, rising from the bottom of the top of the third floor. The room is flanked by stairs defy the gravity of the stores that have the appearance of floating over the lack of concrete support visible.

Luxurious aesthetics aside, the unique properties of memory dedicated to scarves, belts, and walls - for Men - ties. It is presented a real emphasis on accessories with timeless and classic pieces below, and the collection of specific products on the first and second floor.

No detail was left to chance, glass walls and mirrors gold ribbon locked inside (a unique feature of Coco Chanel designed and inspired by his collection of Coromandel screens) have, have beads hand stitched and genuine crystal chandelier (Madame Chanel was very superstitious, you see . everything had real). Every piece of furniture - chairs that line the bar tweed handbag undoubtedly popular for comfortable chairs and sofas - is specifically designed for the business, while each work of art - they are many - was commissioned by Marino.

An Ode to Coco as much as Karl has that provision, a welcoming atmosphere - with each section divided into separate rooms, decorated with coffee tables with Chanel books, fireplaces, plush carpeting and a unique environment. The locker rooms are decadent, you're likely to encounter, while the beauty salon has a bar to the recovery and tutorials Chanel.

Click on the gallery to the world of Chanel last step.

