
Patterson Lakes Business mode, Deidaa, supports countries in Eastern India

  Samita Bhattacharjee uses his fashion company as a way to communities of artisans in India, New Zealand and Nepal supported.

The designer Patterson Lakes, through its Deidaa companies, in particular, with tribal communities in eastern India, one of the poorest regions of the country.

Bhattacharjee has fostered strong relationships in the communities produce, clothing and fashion accessories Deidaa.

"Many companies do not stay in these communities of artisans at us if we do not support and that's what I try to do in creating a demand here in Australia," she said.

"This is to preserve the tradition and self-respect.

"I visit at least once a year, and it's important for me to be part of their community, so they know that we do not only use as a raw material.

"It's great to be part of it because I get a lot of love and affection from them."

Deidaa with customers in Sydney, Melbourne, Dublin, Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Waikato, Hawkes Bay and Gisborne, Bhattacharjee sells clothing and fashion accessories by some stores worldwide.

Bhattacharjee Deidaa present the offer in the next month in Brisbane at Reed Gift Fairs, the largest annual donation from Australia and homewares event.

