
Fashion Statement gay marriage Tony Abbott under fire

Work plans on the character of Tony Abbott Louis Vuitton taiga in the middle of the campaign for a third missteps leader of the opposition in three days. Despite the presentation of the Prime Minister Kevin Rudd as a return to positive political strategists work for all-out attack on Mr Abbott called. In an interview Wednesday morning, Mr Abbott appeared to dismiss gay marriage as "the fashion of the moment." In an interview with talkback radio host John Laws, Mr Abbott said he supported the traditional definition of marriage between a man and a woman, but added that his family was "a little divided on this." "I know where I stand by it. I respect the opinions of those who disagree with me, but I do not agree with them," he said. Mr Abbott used the same interview to affirm their opposition to discrimination based on race, religion, gender or sexuality-related, but then spoke of respect for tradition and not to "engage radical change based on the fashion of the moment." Louis Vuitton utah "We have to be aware that we are all products of society, culture, circumstances that have shaped us," he said. "I'm not saying that our culture, our traditions are perfect, but we must respect and my idea is to build on the strength of our company, and I support, Wholesale, evolutionary change. "I'm not someone who wants to see a radical change based on the current fashion." It came after Tuesday called the "sexiness" of the Liberal candidate for Lindsay Fiona Scott, and a note on Monday when he said there was no one "suppository of wisdom." On the back of these comments, the work is set to expect TV commercials, some of the perceived weaknesses and let the old position of Mr Abbott illuminate fees. "This campaign will now focus on a choice between a man of the 20th century [Abbott] and future [Rudd]," a high ALP strategist said. The ALP believes that the position of Mr Abbott on marriage equality as it remained stuck in the past and all voters in their 20s would be difficult to sustain throws. frontbenchers work condemned the views of Mr Abbott on gay marriage. Finance Minister Penny Wong, who is in a same-sex relationship in the long run, tweeted: "Note to Mr. Abbott. Equality is not a fashion" Deputy Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said Mr Abbott was out of touch with modern Australia, said the description of sexual orientation as a fashion statement would be deeply offensive to many people. He said Mr Abbott had trouble when he spoke without notes. "To describe sexual orientation as the current fashion is deeply offensive to those who understand and do most Australians that the sexual orientation of people as they are," he told ABC TV. Mr Albanese said the same-sex marriage is not a radical change, it does not change the rights of heterosexual couples already married and simply extended rights for same-sex couples who were in romantic relationships. "This is an extension of the rights and indeed an extension of recognition by society of a secular path of the importance of stable relationships and describe it as a fashion statement, I think, just out of touch with modern Australia." Mr Albanese has recognized several of his colleagues were also opposed to gay marriage, but he would have been concerned about the use of Mr Abbott of "fashion" has an effect on young people in trouble with their sexual orientation. Mr. Abbott responded to attacks work by calling "pathetic" attempt to party, "raise this kind of thing in an attempt to lose votes in a campaign to get." In a press conference, north of Brisbane, Mr Abbott has recognized gay marriage was an important issue, but not the only one. Overlooking Australia "I think it is certainly a very important issue," he said. "I know there are people in my own party room, the strong feelings on both sides of this issue." An incoming coalition government would focus on "issues of bread and butter", such as employment, get the budget under control and border security, Abbott said. Lesbian sister of Mr. Abbott, Christine Forster, said this week she had a "substantial change" observed in the way Mr Abbott with the issue of marriage equality. Ms. Forster told ABC that Mr Abbott had felt conflict about swearing against the proposal to Parliament last year and each time the problem was until she noticed "small, very small changes." Hermes lindy

